Daily Reflections - July 2, 2019

I had a deep conversation last night with some ates and kuyas from college. One of them had a fiancé who recently died of brain tumor. We were there to be with him and listen to what happened. Everything was too sudden. He talked about the pain of losing a loved one and not being able to say goodbye to her.

Many things were going around my head as we spoke. I was holding back my tears. I was there to listen to him and not to share my own feelings. But the truth was I was really terrified.

Last Saturday I had a scheduled check up with my doctor for my thyroid. I spoke previously about my condition in a post a few months ago. Back then my biopsy indicated a suspicion of papillary carcinoma. I was hoping to clarify with the doctor why it was just a suspicion and if there's a way to confrim the said suspicion. In short, I was clinging on to some hope that it could not be cancer.

However, my doctor explained that with the biopsy aided by ultrasound, the additional hormone test I took, and the presence of calcifications from the initial ultrasound, the finding was accurate: it really was cancer. The only test I can further take was to take a tissue sample. That is, if I were to subject myself to such procedure, I might as well get an operation to have it removed.

I've been very emotional since the check up. And after last night's conversation about death, being ready, and saying goodbye, I haven't stopped crying every now and then. Even now as I board my plane while I write this, I try to hold back my tears and focus on the journey ahead.

How do you really prepare yourself for such things? Financially, I do my best to put everything in order. But emotionally and mentally, I am at a loss. Will words be enough to truly summarize how we feel, what we wish to say, or how to say goodbye to the people whom we love so much?

I will have an operation to remove my thyroid. I'm currently taking medicine to suppress it until I do so. My doctor is saying it is not aggressive but taking it out is the best option. I am preparing with my husband to make sure that everything will be in order before I get the operation.

Right now, my hopes are in my prayers that God may grant me the courage to face what lies ahead of me.


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