Avengers: End Game Review, Spoilers and all the Feels

So I watched the last full show of Avengers: End Game from 10:20pm-1:20am. Even with this timeslot, the cinema was filled with so many people excited to watch the movie on its first day of screening. It is set to be the most successful film of the franchise, with millions of tickets sold worldwide prior to its release date.

For me, Marvel has truly done another great job in delivering an apt ending to the most popular movie saga of our generation. The previous movie, Avenger: Infinity War has left everyone in a sad note when more than half of our heroes vanished with Thanos’ snap.

WARNING: MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD, if you haven't watched the movie, what universe are you from??

So let’s talk about what happened in the movie. Five years after the catastrophic event, Ant Man suddenly returns to the real world only to find out what happened. For him, he only got stuck in the quantum realm for hours. He then initiates this time travel idea where they concoct a plan to retrieve the stones from the past and undo the snap since Thanos has destroyed it in the present.

The process of retrieving the stones in different time periods is very nostalgic as it brings us back to the scenes of previous movies. It shows different perspectives of the scenes as if the old movies were being shot again. After a few mishaps and fights, they finally retrieve the stones. The Hulk volunteers to do the snap since he was physically strong enough to withstand the power of the stones. A few seconds after their plan of undoing the snap worked, past version Thanos from a different timeline finds the avengers and unleashes his army unto earth. For a moment it seemed like all hope was lost as only Captain America stood against Thanos and his army. Then people began to cheer up as those who were brought back from the snap came in aid of Captain America and everyone else who were left behind. We see everyone back in action, all in full-force against Thanos.

Of course, some heart-breaking scenes were the death of two major pioneering Avengers: Black Widow and Iron Man… *let’s take a deep breath*

Black Widow sacrifices herself to get the Soul Stone so that Hawkeye can retrieve it. Iron Man finishes Thanos and his army by snapping them away which in turn burns part of his body. I actually felt like I was expecting Iron Man to die eventually. But Black Widow was someone I was still in denial until I finished the movie.

On a happier note, Gamora returns as her past self travels to the future with Thanos and is reunited Quill. Starlord is elated but Gamora do not have any memories of him yet. Also, Captain America was able to travel in the past to return the stones and took the opportunity to have a life with Agent Carter. He returns as an old but fulfilled man in the present to give Sam his shield.

The lenghty 3-hour movie has led us to many highs and lows. It has definitely left me a poignant feeling as if I was saying goodbye to all the heroes I’ve been watching for the past ten years. Still, I look forward to what Marvel has in store in the future. Although it’ll seem odd that Iron Man and Captain America will no longer be there to lead the group.

The Avengers: End Game has definitely marked the end of an era.

End Game Poster
Courtesy of Marvel Studios


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