Married for a Month

Keen and I have been married for a month now. It seems to us that so much has happened in between our wedding day and today. Sometimes it's still unbelievable, and even weird, to be married to each other.

It is unbelievable because it used to be a dream to be married to each other. We used to imagine how things would be like, just like waking up in the morning together or going home to the same house or what to cook for breakfast. The list goes on.

At the same time it is weird because we used to do a lot of things on our own or just with our family. Now we find ourselves constantly with each other. We wake up and there is another human being breathing beside us. When doing groceries I don't just consider my own needs but his as well. All these things are new and takes a lot of getting used to.

The past few weeks have indeed been full of travels and adventures, of adjustments and compromises. We have had many firsts and we look forward to many more moments in the years to come ❤️

First Monthsary as Husband and Wife :) 


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