Penne in Spicy Tuna Alfredo Sauce

So here's one of my quick solo meals that's easy to prepare and cook.

Bertolli Alfredo sauce is the key ingredient here. You can smell the parmesan while it's being cooked. It's just so heavenly!

1. Cook pasta according to instructions.
2. Melt butter in pan and sautee garlic until semi brown.
3. Add in tuna. In this case I choose a chili corned tuna since it's already minced, spicy and flavorful.
4. Add in the alfredo sauce and mix well. Heat should be low.
5. Add the pasta and mix well. Serve with bread :)

I didn't put the measurements of each ingredient since it matters on how many people you're cooking for. In this case, I'm only cooking for myself. I used enough butter just to cook the garlic, one clove of garlic, half the can of tuna, enough penne pasta for me and enough sauce to cover the pasta :)


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