Happy 2nd Anniversary ❤️

Keen and I celebrated our second anniversary as a couple yesterday. It will be the last anniversary before we get married this year. We had a simple yet elegant dinner at Bondi&Bourke.

Our anniversary fell on a Monday right after the long weekend of the Holy Week. As expected, it was a manic Monday especially for me.

But that didn't stop Keen from preparing for our anniversary. As usual, his funny disclaimers and surprises caught me off-guard. Plus we were able to view some lovely paintings at the Art Portal Gallery after dinner. The evening went really well.

James Keen, I just want to say how grateful I am for having you in my life. I know I've been saying this to you every time. But I guess it's never enough to let you know how much I really appreciate having you as my man. I've been through so many struggles the past year that I don't think I would have enough courage to face them if you hadn't been by my side. And now as we face a new year ahead of us, no matter how uncertain the future would be, as long as we have each other and God in the center, everything will be good. I love you and happy anniversary to us :)

Outside Bondi&Bourke

At Secdea, Samal

After his marathon, his first sub 5

New year's eve

Our Christmas dinner when he proposed to me


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