

This year, my husband and I had the great opportunity to visit his family in the states, specifically in Ohio. The trip was out of our plans and caught us off guard. Nonetheless, we were grateful for all the unexpected blessings we received that allowed us to make this trip a reality, especially the approval of our 10yr multiple-entry tourist visa. Aside from staying at and getting familiar with Ohio, we also visited the states of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, and California, as well Washington DC. Of course, we had to stop by the mandatory tourist spots like Niagara Falls, Statue of Liberty, Independence Hall, Lincoln memorial, and so much more. For me, Washington DC was the most memorable place we visited, considering all the monumental places we went to that felt like straight out of a postcard. We also ate a lot, and I mean a LOT, of food from all types of cuisines. Servings were unusually large for us and felt like a single serving of food was actually good for me


 HELLO! I know I've been neglectful of my blog recently. This platform hasn't been quite accessible to me for the past few months. But hear me out for a sec because I have great news. I was declared CANCER-FREE last May 2023! I know I'm a few months late but I got busy from school. I had a short teaching stint at my alma mater for Integral Calculus and literally had no time to do anything else. But that's besides the point. LOL I was able to achieve this miracle after my second surgery last July 2022 and my third (and final) radiation therapy last Oct 2022. My fight against Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma had been a four-year struggle. And I never would've made it if not for the love, support, and prayers of my family and friends, people I love and hold dear. Of course, thank You Lord! We gave up everything to You, and You lifted us up. We lift up all glory to Your name. Amen If you are reading this and are still fighting cancer, know that I am praying and rooting for y

Hello 2022!

Is it too late to make a welcome post for 2022? I hope not! Lately I've been busy with so many things. I know it's not an excuse but most of the time I've been writing down in my journal the old fashioned way or posting reflections and quotes in my FB page. I've also been trying to do more YT videos which I daresay is doing quite okay despite it rawness. So that's probably why I've neglected my blog. So sorry! :( Nonetheless, I felt that it is only right that I still post one to welcome 2022 here. Hurray for the New Year! New years give us a sense of fresh beginnings, another chance to start anew, and to push for goals to motivate us in the coming months. For me, my January has been pretty set. Since last year, I've been going back and forth to my doctor and unfortunately, my papillary thyroid carcinoma is not yet gone. I have to do another round of radioactive iodine (RAI) therapy this month. I just filed my medical leave and I'm currently on another gr

How to Fight Hypocalcemia - Lack of Calcium in the Body

For those who are aware of my condition, I experience intermittent hypocalcemia as a complication from my thyroidectomy. Because of this, I experience frequent muscle spasms usually manifested by twitching in my face or hands. On extreme days, I can feel the muscles in my hands, legs, and abdomen tighten. The most alarming would be for hypocalcemia to reach my chest where my heart, also a muscle, is located. Some people experience hypocalcemia just because of the lack of calcium in their diets, or possibly the excess of other chemicals we consume that deter calcium absorption. One popular example of this is caffeine. That is why on days when I experience hypocalcemia, I refrain from drinking coffee. Or at least I take it within reasonable intervals from my calcium supplement. So I take my coffee early in the morning and my calcium supplements at noon. For people like me who experience hypocalcemia on extreme cases, I would recommend seeing a doctor to check if there are underlying cond

Month End Review: February 2021

I was literally lying on my bed thinking about how February 2021 passed us by. It is, after all, the shortest month of the year. I'm not going to sugarcoat it. Our romantic Valentine's escapade and other trips aside, February has been tough for me mentally and emotionally. Somehow, I can feel the strain of the pandemic creeping on us more. And it's adding up to the current pressures I already have on hand. There were times that I was dragging my feet from the bed despite the irony of me working in the bedroom. I found myself more clingy than usual with my husband. I feel more secure with him, and I am glad I get to talk to him whenever I feel down or frustrated. He is my safety blanket and ultimate emotional support. Although sometimes I know that I should be able to keep myself together, I feel more comfortable and relaxed when he's just around. I'm also thankful for my other friends who have been patient with me, hearing me out when all I wanted was to talk myself

Month End Review: January 2021

January 2021 came swiftly like the 13th month pay we got last year. At first it was the New Year, the first day of the year filled with colors of hope. The next thing we know the whole month had already passed us by and it didn't even feel like we've done much. For me, it has been an exceptionally busy month. January is when we usually pick up the slack the holiday season left us. But it felt like it was for the whole 2020. Meetings here and there were uncommonly long and arduous. Goals had to be verified again and again, taking in consideration the new normal extended this year. I found myself frequently having head and neck pains, probable consequences of mental and emotional exhaustion as well as prolonged sitting. But I cannot complain, not much that is. I am still one of the lucky ones who still have a job despite the pandemic. Also, I've had my medical check up recently and it seems like the fight isn't over. No closure for me and my illness yet. But I am positive

Low Iodine Diet - What to Do

I will be transitioning to a low iodine diet starting today. This means that I have to avoid eating foods that are rich in iodine. It is quite a challenge to eliminate iodine since it could be found as trace minerals in some food. Not to mention, it is mostly found in foods I love to eat. Low Iodine Diet (LID) is typically prescribed to patients like me with Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma who will undergo Radioactive Iodine therapy or scan. This is to starve any remaining thyroid cells of dietary iodine so that they will effectively absorb the radioactive iodine instead. Depends on the doctor's orders, diets usually last for one week or even a month before the actual intake of radioactive iodine. The goal is to simply reduce iodine intake to less than 50 mcg per day. I'm no expert when it comes to this as I'm only relaying whatever experience and medical research I've had so far. But since I'm having an upcoming scan this end-August, I wanted to consolidate all o