Fighting Hypocalcemia: A Thyroidectomy Complication
Hypocalcemia means having a very low level of calcium in the body. Calcium is not only important for bone development but for nerve and muscle function as well. And this is what my hypocalcemia looks like. How hypocalcemia feels like is a different story. On normal days, my hands or face would simply twitch randomly. But on not-so-good days like the photo above, I can't move my hands properly. My muscles would go stiff, folding my hand involuntarily. I would need to exert some effort just to open my hands or move my fingers. Occasionally, prolonged sitting or trips to the comfort room feel like there are pins and needles all over my feet. I have to move constantly to avoid the traumatizing pain of cramps. On worse days, I can feel the muscles tighten all the way to my stomach or chest. The worst was when I couldn't open my hands anymore, my were arms stiff, and my lips were pursing. It was as if my muscles were shrinking in, making it difficult to move. I had to be admitted to ...