Goodbye Dear Tree
I wrote this one time when I heard about the news of our dear bamboo tree being cut down for the works to be done in our creek. It's sad to say goodbye to things that we have been attached to. What more difficulty it is to say goodbye to a living thing that has been a part of our lives. With its shade gone, our neighborhood feels empty and exposed. I feel so melancholic about it. This is my poem for it, to remember it always... Goodbye Dear Tree It had always been there Since I could remember It was planted long ago By a fellow neighbor who Loved nature so He died protecting it Tall and strong Yet pliant and humble Its shade has been caring Strong and protecting Even as heat rose In the years that came We have seen it grown Towering over us Green and soothing A pillar from nature That creatures came home To its simple stature But alas one day To save man from its doing News came that it had to be Cut down for our safety Replaced by stones Stacked hard...